Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lessons from last time...

Hey, we've done this before, right? Now, what were those lessons from last time?

Not -that- song again!!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what one thing would you take?  Ever played that game?  Sometimes we vary the "thing:" what food, what CD, what person, etc. Let me tell you from personal experience...that song/band you love? You get sick of it by the 3rd interstate.

But hey -- what would be your desert island disk/tune? Maybe we'll add it...

Less food, more underwear

As it turns out, clean skivvies (and everything else) really outweigh just about anything when you're on the road.  In the U.S., you will always find somewhere to eat.  There is ALWAYS something to look at, even if you have to really stretch the imagination.  But if you're on the move, laundry is not a guarantee. And when it is, do you really want to spend your vacation at the local Fluff 'n' Fold?

Empty threats...

"So help me, I'll turn this car around !" Yeah, that doesn't work so well when you are a time zone or two away from home. Threatening to drive another 4 hours before a break, however....

Funky smell

It is important to control what gets consumed in the back seat. The most innocuous snack can turn pretty nasty after about 800 miles. And, we are driving to bear country...

I'm sure we've forgotten more valuable lessons than we are remembering. That's why we do the trip again!

1 comment:

  1. If any of the children like to build and tell stories about their creations while on the move in a car, I suggest wikisticks. They can be made into trapezes, people, tents, and all kinds of things. And they stick to the windows and roof of the van so they can be 3-D.
