Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Medford-John's view

John's in da house! Today you will read about our travels from the perspective of a 12 year-old. So here is the scoop on mom's hometown, Medford.

Before we got to Medford we stopped at Abby's Legendary Pizza (a popular chain out west). When we got out of the "motorcade" (aka van, aka stupid ol' car, aka...Bessie?), the first thing I noticed was: hey it isn't 50 degrees anymore! Which is to say, I was hot.  The pizza at Abbey's was good, but I would not say it's legendary. News flash: it was still hot when we got back outside.

A half-hour later and we arrived in Medford. It didn't look like much at first; the tallest things besides the mountains were the advertisement boards for motels and restaurants, but mom said this was only the back part of town by the highway. Anyway, we got a room in a Quality Inn and spent the better part of the night watching the Treehouse Masters season finale marathon (actually a great show for Animal Planet).

The next morning we missed the way-to-early hotel breakfast so we went to the Elmer's next-door. Then we went to see mom's childhood home. Mom said it looks so much smaller. I say nothing can be smaller than our house. After that we went to the cemetery to visit mom's dad, my Grandpa Jones. I had some leakage problems in my eyes when we got back in the car.

Then we drove around Medford, and boy is there a lot of driving to do out there.  

What I remember most was the pear orchards and the hawks' nest complete with  two swooping hawks (awesome).

After lunch, we did what all Medford people do: we left Medford. We went to nearby Lithia Park in Ashland. After finally finding a parking space we proceeded to not notice the "Do Not Feed the Ducks" signs posted everywhere and got nervously told off by a young park worker. (I probably intimidated him.) Then we spent a while wading in an awesome creek which got me at lot wetter than I intended. And to top it all off we got ice cream outside of the park.
Oops.  Don't feed the ducks.

Our mom used to do this when she was little.

So all in all, mom's hometown, and the area around it, is pretty cool. This is John Dresen signing off. 


  1. A most excellent blog post, young Master John. You're a talented and funny writer, like your mom. (Your dad's a talented writer, but I don't recall that he ever wrote anything funny. Perhaps he secretly wrote dirty jokes in Russian.)

  2. I love getting to hear the story from Johns point of view! Also as said above the jokes are the best!
